Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's a damn mess!

I can't resist. Need to share something about it with the world (which - in my blog case - has a population of 42). But it's a damn big mess in Greece!

It has to be said: it’s not the easiest of times for the Greeks. The whole world is looking at the country wondering what exactly the financial mess is they’re in. “We’re not the next Iceland". Or Dubai, assured the Greek Minister of Finance.

But the Greeks are actually in a real mess! The trash is literally piling up in the streets. And why? The garbage men are on strike. “Because they strike every year”, is the best answer you will get on the question ‘why?’.

The media hardly pays attention to it and if they do, it is a rather dry summary of events. The people don’t mention it. But it starts to smell. It starts to create a threat to the health of children who pass the piles when they go to school.

It’s difficult to solve a problem if nobody makes it his problem. The country is tired. Tired of everything that’s going on, everything that could be coming (riots to celebrate last years riots, tax problems, more corruption, whatever).

So it is a mess in Greece. And it keeps piling up.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. And I just heard on the radio today the financial situation of Greece as a country is pretty close to dire.

    Hang on in there, Jan.


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